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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I LOVE getting packages in the mail! 

What a wonderful surprise it is when you come home to find that little package waiting patiently for you at the door. I didn't waste any time ripping it open for my eeek! NEW SWIMSUIT!!!! 

There it was in all it's expensive glory! 

The Co-worker cautioned me that every-time she tried on a swimsuit from Victoria's Secret it "fit a little funny", so I was a little nervous to try it on. But I ran to the bedroom and immediately disrobed, dropping bits of clothes in every room as I made my way there. 

Finally I started to pull the polyester piece over my fluffy thighs. Ugh! AY! Err! Uph! It was umm.. a bit tight. This is the right size? Hmmm, Yes. Yes? Well, it doesn't quite fit. But it doesn't look awful, in fact it looks a lot better than the hideous one from last year.

In about 15 pounds I am going to look smokin' hot in it. (At least I hope because I pulled the tags off before I tried it on! Doh!)

So, I cant quite wear it to the pool concert Friday. But I am going to hang it right on my closet door for motivation. And that's what I wanted anyway, a piece of motivation. And yes, I got it. In a size MEDIUM.

Thanks for read'n -  I'll see you bitches lighter!


  1. You go girl! Keep up the great work. It will fit by the time summer is here fully!!!!!! GO GO GO!

  2. I kind of feel the same way with mine. But..it's definitely a motivator! =)

  3. You have your motivation in hand! Hang it up, like in the commercial, so you can see it and you will be in it in no time!

  4. Great motivation! Wow, I haven’t been in a swimsuit in years. Sigh…probably more than a decade. I can’t think of better inspiration for your 30th birthday than a fabulous Victoria’s Secret swimsuit.

    And, heck, who cares if it’s October then? You’ll have a great time strutting your new skinny thighs no matter what the weather! :-D

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Glad you enjoyed the post. :-)


I Shred with the Sisterhood!