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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day 11: Good news... then bad news...

FIRST The good news is- my 159 stuck!!! I pulled a 159.8 at today's weight watchers meeting! YAY! totally excited about that.

Now for the Bad news. I made a very poor decision to go to the buffet afterward. 

Seriously what the F*&K was I thinking???!!!!!

Well, I paid for that decision  big time.

I knew the second we got to the table it was a bad idea. I only filled up my plate once and then split a plate of crab legs with The Fiance. But the food I filled my plate with.... I am just so ashamed. 

I wish I could say that I learn from my mistakes. But for me food is my alcohol. It's my drug of choice. On a whim I can scarf down two - three thousand calories. And I always end up feeling bad about myself.

 I felt like such a glutton even being there. 

I was just hoping and praying I didn't see anyone from weight watchers as I chowed down on all those fatty foods.

But just like alcohol, when I ingest too much at one time, I pay for it.

I'm sorry if this is TMI, but within 30 minutes, I was paying for it. I had bubble gut ALL DAY LONG. It is amazing how I use to be able to eat like that all the time and not feel the effect. Now, I am reeling from it. And I have been over and over...

I guess the weight loss gods are trying to teach me a lesson. Will I ever learn?

See ya lighter.


  1. One meal. It happens. It's not the end of the world, and it doesn't make you a failure.

    You just leave it in the past and continue eating healthy.


  2. I'm sorry about your buffet trip, and subsequent bubble. I hope you're all better soon, and move on from the buffet with lesson learned, and self-forgiven!

  3. Congrats on the 159!! I am so envious!! And hey, its Monday.. you have all week to eat much healthier. Try not to sweat it too much. =)

  4. Well--if you were gonna do it, better after your weigh in than before! It's weird how the body reacts so differently to overeating or eating certain 'bad' foods after being on track for so long.
    Just remember to forgive yourself & move on with this fresh week of your good habits! :)


I Shred with the Sisterhood!