weight loss tracker

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Always designing & dieting

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 56: Something interesting happened

Something interesting happened today- It was an easy dieting day! I wasn't that hungry and I'm even below my points for the day! I wasn't really tempted either. I wish that was the case everyday. 

PLUS its early enough that I can go workout and still make it back home before 9!

I am feeling so good & so motivated - I finally feel like I am back in the groove.

I am enjoying living healthy again. I am enjoying it so much that I am thinking of starting a brand new blog dedicated to the awesome new "diet" foods/products I am discovering.

So, stay tuned as I will be starting that soon...

See you lighter... I'm off to the gym, that elliptical is calling my name!


  1. Good for you! Keep up the great work! And I hope you had a great workout!

  2. I love it when days are like this.

    Keep it up. I've read a couple of your recent posts. Even if you're not 130 by 30, you're still doing well.

    Maybe you can try for 130 by MY 30th birthday? It's in May.

  3. seriously...all days should be like that!!

    wouldn't losing weight be a cinch then?!

  4. That is great that you are back in your groove! I'm about to go on a sort of vacation so I hope to be able to find my groove again on Monday :)


I Shred with the Sisterhood!