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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 59: WW weigh in today

So guess what! I am happy to report that I went to WW this morning and found out that I lost 1.8 pounds this week! 166!

Wow, all that worrying yesterday was for nothing! Well, I guess maybe not for nothing- it forced me to be super good yesterday. So, I guess that it all worked out! Now, I just need to keep that momentum up this week and hopeful I will have another loss next Sunday.

We went to the movies tonight- to see The Time Travelers Wife. I cant believe the fiance agreed to that one, isnt he sweet? Anyway, we smuggled our own "healthier" snacks into the movie theater. Have you ever checked the points on movie theater popcorn? Wowsers!

I usually pop up my own WW bag of popcorn ( I think it's the Healthy Choice one) and sneak it in the biggest, ugliest purse I own.  I look like a dang bag lady and I'm sure all the people around us think we are incredibly cheap. But I don't care! 

I enjoyed my 1 pt. per-serving popcorn and cried my little eyes out... enjoying every minute.

HOWEVER, now I have to go do some exercise- to walk off the Yogurtland yogurt we indulged in AFTER the movie (cue eyeroll). 

Hey, I can't be good all the time!


1 comment:

  1. Movie theatre popcorn is evil! When I was morbidly obese I'd get a large tub and ask them to squirt "extra butter" on it. Then I'd eat the whole thing. Not a good plan!!

    Great job on your weight loss. You are doing amazingly well.


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