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Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 61: The Dinner Party

What can I say? It was a dinner party and I have a difficult time controlling myself at these kind of events. I tried a few methods- always have a glass of water in your hand/distance yourself from the food/ dont drink any alcohol. They all helped to some degree. But this is hard for me and I struggle with it. While I saw some improvement in my behavior it was a struggle, and Im sure I went way over my points today.

It's a shame too... cause the scale was down again this morning -166.4. Now.... tomorrow, who knows. Whats worse, I didn't even get to excercise.

I guess today could have been worse,  I will just have to try super hard tomorrow.

Hope you see me lighter tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. It's so much harder to be good in social situations!!
    I'm sure you'll make it up =)
    Good Luck!


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