weight loss tracker

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Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 45: I got an A-!

I was feeling a little "stuck" today about the weight situation and I figure I need to get over the 164 pound hump that I have been squatting on for the past 4+ months. I've gone up and down- but never over!!! I can't wait to see those three little numbers 1- 5- 9. I feel like I have been in the 160's forever. So I have decided to take the route of a friend who is counting calories. Just to see if I can tighten up my dieting a little bit. I've become a little "loosey-goosey" with my point tracking. So I decided to get strict. I am still going to track- and do weight watchers, now I'm 
just going to monitor it a bit closer.

So, today I joined an online calorie counter:  http://caloriecount.about.com. It is great! I actually enjoyed creating my own little profile and typing in my food diary. But I am shocked!!! WOW! I forgot how many calories things have and I have been completely neglecting my BLT's (Bites, Licks, Tastes) and they have been adding up- to hundreds of calories!!! (and points) 

Another great thing about this site is it gives you a nutritional report of your daily intake in a nice little pie graph— it even tells you what percentage of fats, carbs, proteins, sugar, etc.  you have consumed. Now I can SEE how much of that damn sodium I've been taking in.  Best of all it gives you a grade for your efforts- and I'm happy to report today's grade was an A-! 

-See ya lighter!!


  1. jennifer york *jeepjenn)September 1, 2009 at 6:33 AM

    Very Cool!
    You can do it girl! Just kick up the workouts a bit, or try something new...maybe you've hit a plateau. Shake things up!

  2. congrats on tightening your belt (pun intended), I'm trying to do the same at the moment too, and writing EVERYTHING down is a sure fire way to succeed! (or so I'm told... if I knew from experience, I doubt I would be needing to get my butt back into discipline mode!) if you have an itouch or iphone those have great little apps to track your calories too. Some even sync with their own website!

    and congrats on your A-. I bet your family is very proud! :)

  3. A good food diary is the Food And Exercise Diary (WeightLossSoftware.Net). Might be of interest. It also has a medical diary.


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